ACS Blog

Why Every Audiology Clinic Should Provide Hearing Protection

With over a billion people around the world at risk of noise-induced hearing loss, hearing protection is an industry that continues to grow. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is permanent hearing loss caused by exposure to loud sounds over time or even from a single loud event, and it can be really difficult to detect until it’s too late. And that’s where hearing protection comes in.

Custom Earplugs vs. Foam Earplugs: Which Is Right for You?

Earplugs have one main purpose: to reduce the volume of sound. Whether that is to offer protection from potential hearing loss, or to block out distracting background noise, the effectiveness of earplugs are often focused on how much noise can be blocked. And while this is important, there are multiple other important factors as well. In this post, we will compare custom and foam earplugs to help you decide which is right for you.

Which Jobs Benefit From Earplugs The Most?

Ears come in different shapes and sizes, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach to hearing protection simply doesn’t cut it. Custom earplugs are designed to fit the unique contours of the wearer’s ear, which offers superior noise reduction, comfort, and hygiene compared to disposable foam earplugs. But which industries benefit the most? In this post, we’ll explore 5 jobs where custom-moulded earplugs can make a world of difference.

The Importance of Hearing Protection

Hearing protection is an often overlooked necessity at the workplace. Roughly 3.6 million Australians have some level of hearing loss, with over a third of that being preventable. Additionally more than 1 in 3 people in Australia have noise-related ear damage. Hearing protection can help save you from damaging your ears and a lifetime of hearing loss.