Which Jobs Benefit From Earplugs The Most?

Ears come in different shapes and sizes, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach to hearing protection simply doesn’t cut it. Custom earplugs are designed to fit the unique contours of the wearer’s ear, which offers superior noise reduction, comfort, and hygiene compared to disposable foam earplugs. But which industries benefit the most? In this post, we’ll explore 5 jobs where custom-moulded earplugs can make a world of difference.

Industrial Workers

If you work in a construction site, factory or workshop then it’s highly recommended to wear earplugs. Workers are constantly bombarded with dangerous noise levels, and at a consistent enough rate to cause real damage. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause permanent hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Standard foam earplugs are uncomfortable for long periods of time, and offer inconsistent protection which is unrecommended in such a dangerous environment.

Custom earplugs, on the other hand, provide a perfect fit which blocks out harmful noise while remaining comfortable for extended wear. This translates to a safer, more productive work environment.

Musicians and Audio Professionals

Protecting your hearing is paramount for musicians and sound technicians whose livelihood depends on their ability to hear. They spend countless hours surrounded by loud music, especially during concerts or live shows where the speakers are blasting.

Generic earplugs can distort sound, which makes it different to hear nuances and may hinder an otherwise perfect performance. ACS has a range of earplugs specifically designed for musicians which preserves the fidelity of sound while still offering exceptional noise reduction. These earplugs are perfect for practice and live performances.

Motorcyclists and Racers

Due to regulations most motorcycle engines won’t go above 90 dB, which isn’t too dangerous, especially on shorter rides. The hidden danger is the wind noise, which can reach 100 dB at 105 km/h (65 mph) and cause hearing loss in just 15 minutes. Race cars are a whole different story, and can surpass 115 dB which has a high chance of causing hearing damage without proper protection.

Foam earplugs tend to stick out, which can be uncomfortable with a helmet. Additionally, they are prone to slipping out, especially when your head is constantly moving, and you often won’t have a good opportunity to push them back in properly.

Custom motorsport earplugs fit like a glove and don’t poke out of your ears, which makes them a far better choice.

FIFO (Fly In Fly Out)

FIFO along with jobs that involve regular travel is not commonly connected to earplugs, but it can make a great difference. Aeroplanes can be incredibly noisy, which causes discomfort and trouble sleeping. Additionally, FIFO workers can find themselves in a variety of environments, some of which will be loud or difficult to sleep through.

Unlike generic foam earplugs that can put pressure on the ear canal, custom sleeping earplugs fit perfectly, which can block out 100% of noise without causing discomfort. This allows for a more restful night’s sleep, which can be incredibly important if there is a meeting lined up after landing.

Military and Hunting

Soldiers and other military personnel are often exposed to loud gunfire and explosions. While standard-issue hearing protection is essential, custom earplugs offer additional support and a superior level of noise reduction that won’t fall out during training and combat situations.

For hunters, custom earplugs can be placed under earmuffs to ensure maximum protection or can be used in replacement of earmuffs in a more casual setting with plenty of conversation.

Shooting ear plugs such as ACS Pro Impulse have been specially developed to reduce sudden high-volume sounds, which allows regular hearing at any other time.


There are plenty of jobs we have missed on this list, such as event staff and professional swimmers. If your job isn’t on this list, but you are looking for superior hearing protection, comfort and noise reduction, then custom earplugs are the right choice.

Reach out today to see how ACS can help you or your team.